Lebron James Wonders Why WNBA Players Don’t Enter The Draft Early

Updated: April 13, 2022

It is a funny thing that happens when Lebron tweets. The internet goes crazy for a few hours overanalyzing his cryptic tweets but this time it was pretty straight forward. Lebron put out a tweet that openly wondered why WNBA players aren’t able to enter the draft early.

Fans were quick to point out that WNBA players don’t make THE BAG like NBA players do and have to focus on developing life skills and careers outside the game. Unfortunately the WNBA hasn’t caught the attention in the United States to pay the players like the NBA.

Hopefully one day that changes but until then WNBA players will have to keep putting their lives outside the court #1 and playing overseas to make bigger money. FREE BRITTNEY GRINER by the way.